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25 Things I Learned on The JetBlue Adventure

 While I generally reserve writing on this blog for my international adventures I could not resist sharing some of the things I learned during my month spent flying with JetBlue. At the end of August JetBlue sold an "All-You-Can-Jet" pass for $600. Basically for a month you could fly anywhere JetBlue goes and I decided why the heck not take advantage of this. So over the course of a month I was in 6 different cities (one trip was with work but since it took place during my month of flying I'll count it) and spent over 54hours in the air. I went to each place with little to no knowledge on what to do there and since I was alone it made it a little more difficult.

Below are some of the things I learned on my trip in no particular order

  1. Bellhops are cool people - they know where the local stuff is and are used to answering stupid questions
  2. Stay away from tourist bars at night - asking the Bellhop for a dive is the best way to meet locals
  3. There's no such thing as street meat outside of NY, your typical drunken munchies is Subway sandwiches, gyros, or pizza.
  4. Vegas is huge and trying to walk the strip leads to dehydration and death
  5. The Vegas monorail is cheap, fast and a great way for getting around and seeing the entire strip without death by dehydration (see #4) but does NOT run 24/7
  6. Seattle has awesome coffee and it's NOT Starbucks - the local stuff makes Starbucks taste like sewer water and dirty socks. Top Pot and Peet's Coffee are superior choices
  7. The Space Needle is not that great, neither is the Music Experience museum - they're both pricey and overrated
  8. Real donuts rock - TSA tried to hijack my 2 dozen Top Pot donuts on the way home
  9. Wine tasting in Ghiradelli Square (San Francisco) is fun - the wineries are local, the guys know a lot and are great teachers, just don't get suckered into buying a case of wine
  10. Ghiradelli Square does not have that much Ghiradelli chocolate - just two identical stores
  11. Bus tours are a great way to get around larger cities and get a lot in in a short amount of time
  12. Dealers in Vegas are very nice, a lot of them will take the time to teach you the game and won't get mad if you make mistakes or break rules - the dealers at the Hilton are the nicest
  13. Between 5am and 2pm is when everyone is sleeping in Vegas
  14. Gambling loses it's magic after 24 hours.
  15. Being in Vegas on the night of a big boxing match leads to meeting a lot of interesting characters. At 5am I met one of the only female boxing critics/radio personality.
  16. Don't pass up the waitress when she comes by asking if you want a drink while at the tables, chances are she ain't coming back for a good 40 minutes.
  17. Tip that waitress a couple of bucks (though it prevents you from gambling that money) and watch as the drinks magically appear in your hand every 10 minutes.
  18. The Golden Gate Bridge is pretty and cold as a mofo
  19. Sourdough bread from Boudin's bakery is the best, and you can watch them make it
  20. Jack in the Box - 'nuff said (actually got off the tour bus just for this one)
  21. Homeless people on the West Coast run rampant, but aren't generally as crazy as those on the East Coast
  22. As Anchorman has taught us there really is nothing in San Diego beyond the zoo
  23. San Diego wins as the cheapest place to get drunk - everywhere has dollar beer, all the time
  24. The best seat on the plane is actually the middle. The window is claustrophobic, the aisle busy and abusive. And I'm no twig either.
  25. Leg room actually matters. I spent over 54 hours listening to Jet Blue brag about having more legroom and thought who cares. A week later I flew on American and dreamed of the days when I wasn't forced to fly like a pickle in a jar.


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