Nothing was as good as that hug from Eric welcoming us into Japan and marking the beginning of another glorious adventure.
We took a cab back to his apartment which is what I guess to be typically Japanese. Tatami mats, the kitchen shower and toilet all in the same general area along with the washer. A living room big enough for the five of us to sit in, maybe six or seven max and a bedroom. It's definitely a world away from the converted garage in Paraguay.
We dropped our stuff off and Dana, Eric's neighbor, came by then we headed to sushi. It was a bit of a walk, through a slightly wooded area that had a park on one side and the woods on the other. It was crazy humid out so by the time we got to the restaurant I was moist.
The restaurant was small but cool. A conveyor belt of sushi wound around the restaurant and the five of us sat at a booth. It was so overwhelming for me. All the different sushi and so many of them covered in Japanese mayo. I had four plates which was nothing considered to everyone else at the table. I was so memorized by the food that I didn't know what to eat. It was all so delicious too.
We went to the supermarket afterwards for ice cream. Pappa Eric treated us to both dinner and ice cream. He offered to help us choose the right ice cream but I didn't want help. I wanted to pick something random. I wound up with something with a pancake on it.
We walked back to the apartments and played apples to apples while enjoying the wine I brought from Argentina (from our last adventure in Paraguay) and then some super sweet Japanese wine then another Japanese wine that tasted like white grape juice. Finally we opened up the champagne which exploded on Eric a bit.
Now we're drinking and chatting and I'm about to bust open that pancake ice cream to see what it's all about.

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