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Day 2 in London: Bloody Tower, Bloody Crowds

Just as I had finished my post I saw that the Aussie friends we made earlier were still going at it, enjoying their last night in England and this time there were more of them. I ended up hanging out with them all night, playing pool until I finally made my way to bed at 5:33am. 

At 8am I was rudely disturbed from my slumber when a bunch of my roommates were packing up their things for check out. 

At 11am it felt like a flashbang grenade went off in the room. 

The housekeeping staff slammed the door open, turned on all the lights, opened the curtains to reveal a blazing London sun, and proceeded to shout out the beds that were being done for the day. Why all the shouting you ask? Well that's because our beds, that were occupied, were on that list. Thankfully it was just a mix up but it was painfully obvious that the day was upon us and it was time to move on from the comfort of bed. 

On the menu was Tower Bridge and Tower of London. Our timing was quite good for the Tower, even though it was very crowded we found that as we were leaving the crowd would become unbearable. The site itself was very interesting. I enjoyed listening to the stories of what happened there, and walking through the structures. We wanted to see the weapons room but the line had grown exponentially since our arrival. Even the Bloody Tower was too crowded for me and I elected to back out before heading up the narrow winding staircase surrounded by people. 

After the Tower of London we trekked over Tower Bridge, following Blue's Clues markers along the route. Back on our side of the Thames we stopped into The Draft House to warm up and eat a bit of lunch before the trek back to our hostel. 

When we finally made it back, after taking the long way, I saw I received a message from Cool Uncle Jerry recommending that we stop by the marketplace on Maltby street. 

Everyday it seems we find something new or refine our must-do list (which includes the hand drawn map above) more. Tonight will need to be much quieter - tomorrow is the market, a bus tour, and maybe even high tea!


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