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Stockholm - Wandering, Old Town, Trying to find a friend

I made it to Sweden in one piece. The flight was a bit rough. The couple next to me decided that their 6hrs was best spent taking turns laying on top of each other and the seating was extremely cramped. It made it harder to sleep since they didn't turn the cabin lights off until 3hrs into the flight. So I arrived weary and sleepy and happy to not be crammed into a space meant for a child. 

I opted for the bus into the city and spent the ride sleeping. When I got out I found myself on a street covered in compacted snow and ice. I knew the hostel was a straight shot from the central station (which I was in front of) but I didn't know in what direction. I started walking one way, but saw a sign that it was towards the water and turned around to head in the right general direction. I would up purchasing a SIM card for my phone but then found wifi and got on the right track. 

TravellingFool Protip - take a shower after an overnight flight as soon as you get to your hotel/hostel. It makes such a difference in your jetlag and general  disposition to wash the grime of an airplane away. 

Shower, new clothes, charged phone with sim and I was out on the road. I took the main road all the way through the city to Old Town. It was a lovely walk surrounded by tourists and shops - like walking down 5th avenue back in NYC. I stopped on my way back for a hot chocolate, picked up some water, and got back to the hostel to find that my door wouldn't lock. 

30 minutes of waiting and the door finally locked again so I made my way to the common room to try and make a friend for the weekend. So far (it's 7pm at the time of writing this) it's proving much harder then I thought it would. 

Everyone staying here in the sold out hostel is in big groups! There's one guy here who looks like he might be by himself but that is it! Not even a bar in the hostel could've helped this. I'm hoping that the smaller groups are still out to dinner or that I might find them at the pub down the block. It's still early after all. I still have hope that a new friend can be made here in Stockholm. 


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