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Finding the Right Hostel

The view from the Copenhagen Downtown Hostel in Denmark

A coworker of mine recently asked how to find a hostel. I thought she was kidding at first but when I realized she was serious, and had never tried to stay in one, it came to my attention that getting started staying at hostels can feel like a daunting task.

If you’d rather spend your money on exotic foods, drinks, and fun and don’t mind making new friends along the way and losing a bit of sleep, the hostel life could be for you. There are three types of hostels that you’ll typically find:

  1. Party Hostel. This location has it’s own bar, noisey sleeping areas, and is often the starting point of the local pub crawl. Perfect for those looking to make new friends and taste the local nightlife into the wee hours of the morning.
  2. Social Hostel. They have a common area that everyone hangs out in and attracts patrons that are usually traveling alone, looking to join up with other solo travelers to explore the city together.
  3. Sleeping Hostel. Hostels that do not have a common area nor a bar are used just for sleeping. This type of hostel might as well be a hotel because you’re only here to sleep and people generally keep to themselves so you won’t easily find new friends.

The most important tip is: Don’t settle for a location that’s rated under 80% on Hostelworld, the most popular place to find and book a hostel. Believe me, the difference between a 78% and an 80% is actually night and day.

An excerpt of this post has been featured on Forbes and the Level Up by Forbes newsletter


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