I wasn’t sure what we would do today when I woke up. Having done all the obvious tourist things I didn’t know what my mother had in mind for our last day in Roatan. I thought maybe we could go on the glass bottom boat tour of the coral reef, which is the second largest in the world after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, but with a non-commital response from Mom who know what was in store. Breakfast was surprisingly disappointing. A little empanada filled with mostly potato. After eating breakfast we sat here in the cafe for a while and then I asked what we would do today and Mom said we would just go to the beach. I asked her if we would do the boat tour and she said oh what is that again? So I explained it and then it was decided we would go.
I felt bad for a moment realizing that it was probably more money then the family planned to spend but I knew it would be worth it. We went to the nearby beach where I had seen the boat moored the night before. Sure enough a sales guy stopped us on our walk there and said he had a deal - only $30 a person for the glass bottom boat tour. When we got to the boat sales office it said $30 as the standard rate on the sign so we knew that the guy was full of poop. Still we bought tickets and waited for the big boat to come back from its previous tour.
We boarded the boat and were directed to immediately go below deck. There was a bench seat set up and windows all along the wall like a submarine. We each grabbed a seat near the middle on each side and got ready to set off in our air conditioned bliss through the second largest coral reef in the world. It was amazing! We saw so many fish and a stingray and even a barracuda trying to eat it’s way through a school of fish. My parents were glad I talked them into going.
After the boat the family stopped for lunch along the beach. EJ and I wanted to go swimming so while everyone else sat in the restaurant waiting for food we came back to the resort to change into our swimsuits. We arrived back a few moments later all ready to swim just in time for the food to arrive. I had nachos and EJ had fries since we both weren’t that hungry. James ordered fajitas then commented that it didn’t taste authentic to which my mom reminded him that they don’t do Mexican food here (it is a totally different Hispanic country after all).
After lunch we headed to the beach for a well deserved swim. The sun is brutally hot here, especially since we are on the equator. EJ and I slathered ourselves with sunscreen and then headed out into the cool clear water. It felt so good after being stuck in the sun to be able to swim it all off. I sat in the water for probably two or three hours and was as happy as a clam. Eventually our family joined EJ and I and then they just as quickly left to go sit in the shade on the beach. I wasn’t eager to leave but eventually hunger and the setting sun decided that for me.
We made our way back to the resort and changed for dinner. There was just an hour left for 2 for 1 happy hour but we quickly made work of it. After a couple drinks the bartender asked in Spanish if we were ready for food and Dad and I replied yes. Lobster for everyone. Now that we are headed back to the mainland this is our last chance to enjoy lobster.
Dad and I ordered ceviche with seabass only since he is allergic to shellfish. Then our lobsters came out (and dad’s seabass). When you get lobster here it’s 3 tails, unheard of back home. I ate to my hearts content - full of garlic butter and lobster goodness. For dessert of course we had chocolate ice cream. Over the course of the last 3.5 days we progressed from one bowl to three and of course polished them all off tonight. We stopped briefly to say goodbye to the cafe and tip the cooks before retiring for the evening. For myself that meant shoving everything into my bag (thank goodness for packing cubes to separate the worn from the unworn) and wrapped up this post.
I am already looking forward to spending my next available long weekend in 2019 here.
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